Happy New Year everyone! Like many others, I looked back at 2011 and it was a significant year filled with many blessings. Some of my favorite memories or thoughts that made me smile were:

Swam in an awe-inspiring cenote (underwater cave), visited a sacred Mayan pyramid, observed the fierce beauty of an active volcano, walked along the shores of black sand beaches, hiked a volcano crater, danced in my first luau, swam under a waterfall and then watched a Hawaiian sunset on the beach, made great new friends and laughed & cried with old ones, got a dog that I love to death, started Sweet Kat's Creations, quit a job that I wasn't passionate about and spent time reflecting on living a fulfilling life.

In regards to the last part, I really did a ton of reflecting and I had one big epiphany.  I realized that at the end of my life, I'll like to look back and believe that I've done my part in leaving the world just a little brighter.

I'm hoping Cakes for Charity will be one part of that equation. Basically with some of the cakes made, the cake requester will be able to select a charity that they would like the proceeds donated to.  Sweet Kat's will ask for a minimum donation depending on design and size of the cake that the requester is asking for. Two stipulations: the charity must be a 501(c)(3) organization and the requester must provide a receipt detailing the donation amount.  I am super excited about this and what it can do for our communities.

The first Cakes for Charity creation was this Peas in a Pod Cake where the proceeds were donated to assist with disaster relief with the Iligan tragedy in the Philippines where a flood took away many people's homes and they were left with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. 

A little background on this cake: one of my girlfriends J wanted to give her sister a personal Christmas gift and had some adorable crocheted peas in a pod made to give to her.  Each pea represented each of her sister's 3 children. Btw, these peas in a pod were made by a talented college friend and you can check out her blog here: http://thetokicafe.blogspot.com/.  Her stuff seriously rocks.

My friend asked me to make a small cake that she would be giving in addition to the gift and it was pretty darn cute ...can't go wrong with anything peas in a pod related!

To start, I asked J to send me a pic of the crocheted peas in a pod so I could take a look at the details.

Then made the pink cake base.

Made the peas in the pod.

 Added the border.

Added the details: eyes, smiles and little bows for the 2 girl peas.

And some circles on the sides to jazz it up a bit.

Ready to go!


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